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All Nations Chess League (ANCL)

ANCL is one of the largest on line chess league; we play 90+5 slow matches,
we have our own rooms at The league is free to join.
All participants in the ANCL must have a full Playchess account (including a serial number), 20 slow games and a rank of knight or higher. Any player who has previously been found using assistance in rated games will be refused entrance to participate in the ANCL league.
we have a main site and a forum, at present there are 14 teams from all over the world, each team can have up to 12 members usually a captain and 1 or 2 vice captains.
Each week a line up of 6 players is made by captain to play against another team.
You then if chosen any given week, (you may well not play every week), use ANCL forum to arrange your match with your opponent agreeing on a time and day to play,
Also at ANCL we have a teaching school,simuls or lessons are given at playchess usually in room 5, where your participation /questions would be welcomed and answered, Lessons usually last for an hour each time, unless the teachers get so enthralled at the Questions they lose track of time.

All the above and more details can be seen at
Main site
If anyone is interested and would like to join us, please do, it takes around 5-7 days to be accepted, please use your playchess nick when registering as user name. Once accepted you will then be added to forum site

jeudi 3 juillet 2008

Stein-Petrossian ch Urss 1961

Stein,Leonid - Petrosian,Tigran V défense Francaise
URS-ch28 1961
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.Qg4 Nf5
7...0-0 8.Bd3 etc.. est la variante à la mode actuellement
8.Bd3 h5 9.Qf4 Nc6
9...cxd4 10.cxd4 Qh4 est assez dans le style de Petrossian mais contre son adversaire peu connu sans doute voulait -il jouer une position compliquée
10.Nf3 est recommandé par la théorie actuelle
10...c4 11.Bxf5 exf5 12.a4 (12.h4!?)
11.Ng3 Ng6 12.Qd2 Bd7
Evidement pas:12...cxd4 13.cxd4 Nxd4?? 14.Bxg6
13.Rb1 Rb8 14.0-0 c4 15.Be2 Nxg3 16.fxg3
Cela donne des perspectives d'attaques supérieures au plus "classique"hxg3 .
16...h4 17.Bg4 hxg3 18.hxg3 Qe7
18...Ba4! est ici indispensable mais la continuation de Stein n'est pas évidente à percevoir
caractéristique du style de Stein qui offre souvent des pions pour ouvrir des lignes à ses pièces 19...Bxa4 20.Ra1 b5 21.Ba3 tout d'un coup la position blanche devient très menaçante
21...Qd7 22.Rf2 Rb7 23.Raf1 Qd8 24.Qd1
menace Bh5 mais aussi Bxe6
24...Rh6 25.Bc1 Rh7 26.Bxe6
Ce n'est pas souvent que l'invincible Petrossian qui va devenir peu de temps après Champion du monde se fait massacrer en 26 coups!

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