I receive the following email :I hope you enjoy my new site www.chessquotes.com . There is really nothing like it on the web ... I was quite frankly surprised that the domain name was available and that nobody seized upon the idea before I did. If you find it worthy, I would be pleased if you added a link on your site.
I am always happy to see new chess site so please have a look.
I dont know if this is on the site but I like vey much what Kasparov is supossed having said when he learned he will Play Nigel Short for the World tittle:"It is Short and it will be short".
I am always happy to see new chess site so please have a look.
I dont know if this is on the site but I like vey much what Kasparov is supossed having said when he learned he will Play Nigel Short for the World tittle:"It is Short and it will be short".
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