A nice game looks how all the pieces attack the poor king!
Pmgenkin (1876) - Christochess (2040) ANCL
90m + 5s Room 1, 26.06.2010
Commented by Christochess
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.Bd3 Nc6 5.c3 Qc7 6.Ne2 Bg4 7.f3 Bd7 8.Bf4 e5 9.dxe5 Nxe5 10.Bc2 Bd6 11.Qd4 [11.Qxd5 Nf6;
11.Ba4 Bc6 12.0-0 Ne7 13.Nd4 0-0] 11...Nf6 12.Nd2 0-0 13.0-0-0 [13.Bg5 Bc5 14.Qh4 Ng6 15.Qg3 Qc6] 13...Rfe8 14.Rde1 Qa5 [14...Bc5 15.Bxe5 Rxe5 16.Qf4 (16.Qd3 Re3) 16...Rae8 17.Kd1 Bf2 18.Ref1 Be3] 15.Kb1 Bc5 16.Nb3 Bxd4 17.Nxa5 Bf2 18.Ref1 Bb6 19.Nxb7 [19.Nb3 Bb5 20.Nbd4 Bxd4 21.cxd4 Nc6 22.Bd1 Bxe2] 19...Nc4 [19...Bb5 20.Nd6 Bxe2 21.Nxe8 Rxe8 22.Re1 Ng6] 20.Bd3 [20.Ng3 Be3 (20...Reb8 21.Nd6 Nxb2 22.Ndf5 Ba5 23.Bb3 Na4 24.Bxb8 Nxc3+ 25.Kc2 Rxb8 26.Rc1) 21.Bxe3 Rxe3 22.Re1 Rxe1+ 23.Rxe1 Rb8 24.Nc5 Rxb2+ 25.Kc1 Kf8 26.Nh5 Bc8 27.Nxf6 gxf6 28.a4 Ra2 29.g4 Ra3 30.Rd1 Rxc3 31.Rd3 Rxd3 32.Nxd3 Ke7] 20...Nh5 21.Bc1 [21.Bxc4 dxc4 22.g4 Nxf4 23.Nxf4 Bc6 24.Nd6 Bc7 25.Nxe8 Bxf4 26.Nxg7 Kxg7] 21...Rab8 22.b3 [22.g4 Nf6 23.g5 Nh5 24.b3 Ne5 25.Nd6 Nxd3 26.Nxe8 Rxe8] 22...Rxb7 [22...Ne5 23.Ba6 Bf5+ 24.Ka1 Bd3 25.Bxd3 Nxd3] 23.bxc4 Ba5+ 24.Kc2 [24.Ka1 Rxe2 25.Bxe2 Bxc3+ 26.Bb2 Bxb2+ 27.Kb1 Bf5+ 28.Bd3 Bxd3#] 24...dxc4 25.Be4 [25.Bxc4 Bf5+ 26.Kd1 Rd7+ 27.Bd2 Red8 28.Nd4 Bxc3 29.Bxc3 Rxd4+ 30.Bxd4 Rxd4+ 31.Ke1 Rxc4 32.g4 Bd3 33.gxh5 Bxf1 34.Kxf1 Rc2] 25...Ba4+ 26.Kd2 Rd7+ 27.Nd4 [27.Ke1 f5 (27...Rd1+ 28.Kf2 Bb6+ 29.Nd4) 28.Bxf5 Rd1+ 29.Kf2 Bb6+ 30.Nd4 Rxd4 31.cxd4 Bxd4+ 32.Be3 Rxe3 33.g3 Re5+ 34.Kg2 Rxf5;
27.Ke3 f5] 27...Rxd4+ Pmgenkin resigns
Thank to Christo
lundi 5 juillet 2010
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